Apr 11, 2020

INTERNET MEMES : Another form of Art?

Coronavirus-inspired meme
mythomaniavirus meme - JPEG (11/04/2020)

Are internet memes another form of contemporary Art? I found myself asking this question, after my first humble attempts in the world of editorial cartooning. Actually, I decided to turn one of my quick sketches into a meme, instead of a clean traditional cartoon, simply, because, I wanted to get fast previews of all the neat options, that I could come up with, before investing more time in one hand-drawn piece. Lazy much? Maybe! But, one thing for sure, I am one hell of a curious perfectionist!
After spending my whole day enjoying my confinement time, using Adobe Photoshop and canva.com, which I highly recommend, I became more attached to my designs and to the message behind my work!
By the way, while I still have your attention, I would like to take this opportunity to thank those who inspired me and pushed me to make use of both my artistic and scientific competences, and helped me transcend my anger, during these hard times, through graphic satire! A special "thank you" to those spreading fake news about random untested drugs and vaccines and those who are proudly sharing conspiracy theories about Big Pharma on social media, without citing any credible scientific source! Dear earthlings, I would like to remind you that "In the age of information, ignorance is a choice", so let's spread facts and wisdom and Art, instead of lies, stress and death!
As you can tell, personally, I do think memes, which are undeniably a predominant vogue on social media, are playing a major role in shaping our culture, and they are definitely contributing to the enrichment of our Art heritage! I think everything and anything can level up to the point of matching a good traditional piece of Art! It could be a meme, a meal, a deed…, you name it, and, hopefully, you share it with the rest of the world, by making or taking a photo, or maybe writing about your experience…
It is totally normal for us to feel lonely, while being isolated in our houses, because of the current pandemic, but it is vital to out-smarter ourselves, by practicing and showing more gratitude for having many things that we tend to take for granted, like our unused skills and internet connection!